domingo, 24 de junio de 2012

“Rock al Parque” project (Rock at the Park)

Someone told me once that people come and go in your life because they belong in it for that amount of time… yes, they belong! Even if it is only for a short period, they came into your life, they belong in it simply to teach you, to inspire you, to change you in different ways. Last year I met someone who has inspired me in so many ways; he is the one who encouraged me into writing this blog and following a more creative path.
So he asked me if I could help him with his look for a photo shoot; he is a musician and he is going to be playing at “Rock al Parque” festival. This festival takes place every year in Bogotá- Colombia, and according to Wikipedia, it is the most important rock festival in Latin America and third in the world and this year is its 18th anniversary.  He is a bass player in a progressive metal band (it is mostly rock and metal). Anyway, he wanted to look like a rock star, and not like someone from the crowd.  I had a great project: transforming one of his old jackets into a more fashionable yet Rock and Roll piece!
So here is the process step by step:


My first step was to organize all our ideas, so I made a sketch with them. I am a very visual person, so I always bring down to paper what I want to do. This is the sketch of what I wanted.  Keep in mind that this is just a sketch it doesn’t mean that while you are manufacturing you can’t change it ;)
This was my sketch, and some pics of what it looked like before I started the transformation.

The first accessory I attached to the jacket were some chains on the left pocket. They are three different shape and different color chains, attached at each ending. At the beginning (as you can see in the sketch) I imagine them hanging from one of the upper corners to the other, sort of in a straight line; but when I began to sew I changed my mind, and hanged them from the left upper corner to the low right corner of the pocket, forming a diagonal.
After that I attached 6 safety pins to the right sleeve of the jacket, this was really easy, and there was no sewing involved. The only tip is trying to pin them symmetrical, so that it will look straight.
My next item was a knuckle-duster; I sewed it on to the left sleeve. Before attaching it I aged it, with chlorine.

Finally I added a little bit of color to the jacket, with one wide red stripe on each shoulder. And this was the result!!!

He loved it ;)

Photos by marifulleda
Editing by Lina Lis

1 comentario:

  1. Excellent blog. You speak about trends, your own experience, your fashion ideas and your opinions on different usage and experience on street fashion.

