lunes, 15 de abril de 2013

Faux pas!

I’ve said I don’t like phrases like “must have of the season” or defining what is in and what is out; I don’t like it because not every single trend complements every single woman. I defend the idea of a unique style according to each body type and personality.
However, there are a few things that should be labeled with a “DO NOT WEAR THIS” tag. So I decided to break up my silence and give away 3 tips concerning what NOT to wear under ANY circumstances!

1.    Jeans without back pockets
I am sorry but the jean without back pockets is simply wrong! Some girls wear them with the wrong idea that it will make their butt look rounder or hotter, when in reality their butt looks flatter and outstretched. Actually their hips look wider because of the missing pockets, the placement of the pockets in a jean (or pant) is very important, because if they are way apart from each other they will also make your butt and hips look wider. On the other hand not only the back pockets are useful, they also give the pants some shape plus some dimensions.
I am sorry to say this but where I come from, the women who wear this kind of jeans are the fake girls, with fake boobs, fake butt, fake tan, long hair extensions, in other words tacky in a Snooky kinda way!
 Photos taken from internet

2.    The wanna be cutie girly clothes
The 7 year old clothes and accessories in a grown up woman.
Why? Why on earth would you think that if you wear a sweater with a giant face of Winnie the Pooh you would look attractive? Or that carrying around a hello kitty purse (for that matter any Hello Kitty stuff back pack, top, cell phone case, etc) will match well with your outfit?
Recently someone told me that the last chance for a girl to appear as a tender one is at the age of 15 (barely)… I think 15 are passed the borderline. I mean you are not a kid anymore! I am sorry to break it for you but the truth is, that kind of items only look good if you are seven years old, other wise they just look like you are childish, maybe a little desperate and like your are not able to accept your real age. The question you need to have in mind is will you go out on a date with someone that looks like a giant kid? (this tip can translate into dressing according to your age... it may be a coming up post!!)

1st two photos taken from internet
3rd photo taken by Natalia Gómez

3.    The out of context clothes
A couple of weeks ago I was watching fashion police and Rose Mcgowan was named the worst dressed of the week, they criticized the fact that she was wearing a rain poncho in LA where it doesn’t rain and it wasn’t raining (they also dislike the stupid owl and the fact that a poncho suits a 7 year old girl).
Any way this got me thinking that is something you must never do! Wear clothes for an extremely different weather or season. There is a reason why you have clothes according to seasons, and for those who don’t have seasons they go according to weather!
So if you live in a chill city or are in the middle of fall and you know that probably it’s going to rain or that perhaps the temperature will drop to 8 degrees don’t wear sandals or flip flops, it’s unpractical, you will get cold, your pedicure will be messed up and you will look out of context! Or if you live in a warm place or you are in the middle of summer don’t wear snow boots, earmuffs, fur hats, fur coats, etc. I guarantee you won’t look chic or elegant; you will look dump and then again out of context. Being fashionable means knowing what, when and where to wear it!

Photo taken from internet

Some people may think that fashion doesn’t include them, but who on earth wakes up every morning and thinks “ok so today I will like to look hideous” or buys stuff thinking “Oh yes I need this sweater I need to look less attractive”. Let’s face it we dress up to attract people, friends, business and feel good about our selves! 

Editing by Lina Lis

1 comentario:

  1. Natalia Holshouser15 de abril de 2013, 5:12

    Yea girly! So now you have a fashion blog hum!? Love it! Ill be checking you out for now on.
    I totally agree with yah, just gotta admit my ' fail' wearing my Paul Frank hotties, but hey he is such a cool ass monkey..anyway,the good thing is that i just wear it on my lazy days off.
