domingo, 20 de enero de 2013

Nobel's fashion!

Another one of my destinations these past holidays was Stockholm. And one of the "must go" places is the Nobel Museum. It's amazing to learn the history of such an important prize. So here is a little bit of context:
  • Alfred Nobel was the creator of dynamite  he became incredibly rich and had no heir. He stipulated in his will that with his money he wanted to create a foundation that guarded his interests: the money should be awarded to men and women from all corners of the globe for outstanding achievements in physics, chemistry, physiology or medicine, literature, and for work in peace.
  • The prize's money only comes from the interest of the fund. The fund is still intact.
  • The money prize is 8 million Swedish Krones (around 1,2 million USD), and the person has 1 year to cash in the prize. But when someone earns a Nobel prize they have 5 real big prizes. 
      1. Money
      2. Medal
      3. Handcrafted Diploma (the inspiration must be out of the reason why he got the prize)
      4. Fame
      5. One week with all the expenses covered in Stockholm, dinning and networking with all the Swedish Royalty.
  • The economics prize is not really a Nobel prize, because it wasn't in Alfred Nobel wishes and the foundation objective is to respect those, so in reality is The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel. Although the prize consist in the same 5 things as the Nobel prize.
So after that short context I just wanted to share with you guys the fashion exhibition that they had on the museum. Fashion students at Beckmans College of Design have made their interpretations of this year’s Nobel prizes, the exhibition is called "Fashion Innovation 2"
I think is pretty awesome that fashion can be also so symbolic and artistic. I found a video and I also have some pictures taken by me...Take a look! ;)

Video taken from:

Physics Prize

Chemistry Prize

Medicine Prize

Literature Prize

 Peace Prize

photos taken by marifulleda

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